AbstractCursor | This is an abstract cursor class that handles a lot of the common code that all cursors need to deal with and is provided for convenience reasons. |
AbstractWindowedCursor | A base class for Cursors that store their data in CursorWindow s. |
BackupKit | Data backup toolkit based on table traversal. |
BuildConfig |
CancellationSignal | Provides the ability to cancel an operation in progress. |
CancellationSignal.OnCancelListener | Listens for cancellation. |
Context | Wrapper class to implement database opening methods as android.content.Context does. |
CrossProcessCursor | A cross process cursor is an extension of a Cursor that also supports
usage from remote processes. |
CrossProcessCursorWrapper | Cursor wrapper that implements CrossProcessCursor . |
Cursor | This interface provides random read-write access to the result set returned by a database query. |
CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException | An exception indicating that a cursor is out of bounds. |
CursorJoiner | Does a join on two cursors using the specified columns. |
CursorJoiner.Result | The result of a call to next(). |
CursorWindow | A buffer containing multiple cursor rows. |
CursorWrapper | Wrapper class for Cursor that delegates all calls to the actual cursor object. |
DatabaseErrorHandler | An interface to let the apps define the actions to take when the following errors are detected database corruption |
DatabaseUtils | Static utility methods for dealing with databases and Cursor s. |
DatabaseUtils.InsertHelper |
This class is deprecated.
Use SQLiteStatement instead.
DBDumpUtil |
This class is deprecated.
Use RepairKit for database corruption recovery.
DBDumpUtil.ExecuteSqlCallback |
This interface is deprecated.
Use RepairKit for database corruption recovery. |
DefaultDatabaseErrorHandler | Default class used to define the actions to take when the database corruption is reported by sqlite. |
Log | API for WCDB log redirection. |
Log.LogCallback | User defined logger interface. |
LogPrinter | Implementation of a android.util.Printer that sends its output to the system log. |
MatrixCursor | A mutable cursor implementation backed by an array of Object s. |
MatrixCursor.RowBuilder | Builds a row, starting from the left-most column and adding one column value at a time. |
MergeCursor | A convience class that lets you present an array of Cursors as a single linear Cursor. |
Observable<T> | Provides methods for registering or unregistering arbitrary observers in an ArrayList. |
OperationCanceledException | An exception type that is thrown when an operation in progress is canceled. |
RecoverKit | Data recovery toolkit that recover data backed up by BackupKit . |
RepairKit | Database repair toolkit to parse a corrupted database file and write its content to another (newly created) database. |
RepairKit.MasterInfo | Class represent master info backed up from a SQLiteDatabase , which
can be used in recovery on database file with corrupted header. |
SQLException | An exception that indicates there was an error with SQL parsing or execution. |
SQLiteAbortException | An exception that indicates that the SQLite program was aborted. |
SQLiteAccessPermException | This exception class is used when sqlite can't access the database file due to lack of permissions on the file. |
SQLiteBindOrColumnIndexOutOfRangeException | Thrown if the the bind or column parameter index is out of range |
SQLiteBlobTooBigException | |
SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException | |
SQLiteCipherSpec | Describes encryption options for SQLite databases. |
SQLiteClosable | An object created from a SQLiteDatabase that can be closed. |
SQLiteConstraintException | An exception that indicates that an integrity constraint was violated. |
SQLiteCursor | A Cursor implementation that exposes results from a query on a
SQLiteDatabase . |
SQLiteCursorDriver | A driver for SQLiteCursors that is used to create them and gets notified by the cursors it creates on significant events in their lifetimes. |
SQLiteDatabase | Exposes methods to manage a SQLite database. |
SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory | Used to allow returning sub-classes of Cursor when calling query. |
SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException | An exception that indicates that the SQLite database file is corrupt. |
SQLiteDatabaseLockedException | Thrown if the database engine was unable to acquire the database locks it needs to do its job. |
SQLiteDatatypeMismatchException | |
SQLiteDirectCursor | Cursor implementation that acts directly on the underlying SQLite statement object. |
SQLiteDiskIOException | An exception that indicates that an IO error occured while accessing the SQLite database file. |
SQLiteDoneException | An exception that indicates that the SQLite program is done. |
SQLiteException | A SQLite exception that indicates there was an error with SQL parsing or execution. |
SQLiteFullException | An exception that indicates that the SQLite database is full. |
SQLiteMisuseException | This error can occur if the application creates a SQLiteStatement object and allows multiple threads in the application use it at the same time. |
SQLiteOpenHelper | A helper class to manage database creation and version management. |
SQLiteOutOfMemoryException | |
SQLiteProgram | A base class for compiled SQLite programs. |
SQLiteQuery | Represents a query that reads the resulting rows into a SQLiteQuery . |
SQLiteQueryBuilder | This is a convience class that helps build SQL queries to be sent to
SQLiteDatabase objects. |
SQLiteReadOnlyDatabaseException | |
SQLiteStatement | Represents a statement that can be executed against a database. |
SQLiteTableLockedException | |
SQLiteTrace | Callback interface for SQLite trace events. |
SQLiteTransactionListener | A listener for transaction events. |
StaleDataException | This exception is thrown when a Cursor contains stale data and must be requeried before being used again. |