Class Index - WCDB for Android



AbstractCursor This is an abstract cursor class that handles a lot of the common code that all cursors need to deal with and is provided for convenience reasons. 
AbstractWindowedCursor A base class for Cursors that store their data in CursorWindows. 


BackupKit Data backup toolkit based on table traversal. 


CancellationSignal Provides the ability to cancel an operation in progress. 
CancellationSignal.OnCancelListener Listens for cancellation. 
Context Wrapper class to implement database opening methods as android.content.Context does. 
CrossProcessCursor A cross process cursor is an extension of a Cursor that also supports usage from remote processes. 
CrossProcessCursorWrapper Cursor wrapper that implements CrossProcessCursor
Cursor This interface provides random read-write access to the result set returned by a database query. 
CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException An exception indicating that a cursor is out of bounds. 
CursorJoiner Does a join on two cursors using the specified columns. 
CursorJoiner.Result The result of a call to next(). 
CursorWindow A buffer containing multiple cursor rows. 
CursorWrapper Wrapper class for Cursor that delegates all calls to the actual cursor object. 


DatabaseErrorHandler An interface to let the apps define the actions to take when the following errors are detected database corruption  
DatabaseUtils Static utility methods for dealing with databases and Cursors. 
DatabaseUtils.InsertHelper This class is deprecated. Use SQLiteStatement instead.  
DBDumpUtil This class is deprecated. Use RepairKit for database corruption recovery.  
DBDumpUtil.ExecuteSqlCallback This interface is deprecated. Use RepairKit for database corruption recovery.  
DefaultDatabaseErrorHandler Default class used to define the actions to take when the database corruption is reported by sqlite. 


Log API for WCDB log redirection. 
Log.LogCallback User defined logger interface. 
LogPrinter Implementation of a android.util.Printer that sends its output to the system log. 


MatrixCursor A mutable cursor implementation backed by an array of Objects. 
MatrixCursor.RowBuilder Builds a row, starting from the left-most column and adding one column value at a time. 
MergeCursor A convience class that lets you present an array of Cursors as a single linear Cursor. 


Observable<T> Provides methods for registering or unregistering arbitrary observers in an ArrayList. 
OperationCanceledException An exception type that is thrown when an operation in progress is canceled. 


RecoverKit Data recovery toolkit that recover data backed up by BackupKit
RepairKit Database repair toolkit to parse a corrupted database file and write its content to another (newly created) database. 
RepairKit.MasterInfo Class represent master info backed up from a SQLiteDatabase, which can be used in recovery on database file with corrupted header. 


SQLException An exception that indicates there was an error with SQL parsing or execution. 
SQLiteAbortException An exception that indicates that the SQLite program was aborted. 
SQLiteAccessPermException This exception class is used when sqlite can't access the database file due to lack of permissions on the file. 
SQLiteBindOrColumnIndexOutOfRangeException Thrown if the the bind or column parameter index is out of range  
SQLiteCipherSpec Describes encryption options for SQLite databases. 
SQLiteClosable An object created from a SQLiteDatabase that can be closed. 
SQLiteConstraintException An exception that indicates that an integrity constraint was violated. 
SQLiteCursor A Cursor implementation that exposes results from a query on a SQLiteDatabase
SQLiteCursorDriver A driver for SQLiteCursors that is used to create them and gets notified by the cursors it creates on significant events in their lifetimes. 
SQLiteDatabase Exposes methods to manage a SQLite database. 
SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory Used to allow returning sub-classes of Cursor when calling query. 
SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException An exception that indicates that the SQLite database file is corrupt. 
SQLiteDatabaseLockedException Thrown if the database engine was unable to acquire the database locks it needs to do its job. 
SQLiteDirectCursor Cursor implementation that acts directly on the underlying SQLite statement object. 
SQLiteDiskIOException An exception that indicates that an IO error occured while accessing the SQLite database file. 
SQLiteDoneException An exception that indicates that the SQLite program is done. 
SQLiteException A SQLite exception that indicates there was an error with SQL parsing or execution. 
SQLiteFullException An exception that indicates that the SQLite database is full. 
SQLiteMisuseException This error can occur if the application creates a SQLiteStatement object and allows multiple threads in the application use it at the same time. 
SQLiteOpenHelper A helper class to manage database creation and version management. 
SQLiteProgram A base class for compiled SQLite programs. 
SQLiteQuery Represents a query that reads the resulting rows into a SQLiteQuery
SQLiteQueryBuilder This is a convience class that helps build SQL queries to be sent to SQLiteDatabase objects. 
SQLiteStatement Represents a statement that can be executed against a database. 
SQLiteTrace Callback interface for SQLite trace events. 
SQLiteTransactionListener A listener for transaction events. 
StaleDataException This exception is thrown when a Cursor contains stale data and must be requeried before being used again.